Framework for building parallel cellular automata.
Namespace List
Here is a list of all documented namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 NcaNamespace of the framework
 NfflNamespace containing the implementation of the parallel version of the cellular automaton using fastflow
 NompNamespace containing the implementation of the parallelized version using OpenMP
 CCellularAutomatonParallel Cellular Automaton using OpenMP
 NparNamespace containing the implementation of the parallel version of the cellular automaton
 NbwNamespace containing the implementation of the parallel version in which the wotkers busywait for others
 NseqNamespace containing the implementation of the sequential version
 CCellularAutomatonSequential Cellular Automaton
 CBarrierSelf-resetting synchronization barrier for threads
 CAbstractCellularAutomatonInterface of the CellularAutomaton
 CGridGrid of the cellular automaton
 CThreadpoolWork-stealing threadpool